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Therapeutic Services for children and young people

We can only blossom when we have strongly attached roots

Clay Therapy

Clay Therapy uses the sense of touch to explore the inner world. Touch is a fundamental part of human experience. This tactile contact is the first mode of communication that we experience before we are even born. When clay is used in a safe therapeutic environment, it allows for exploration of early experiences of touch, such as attachments, sensorimotor feedback and bodily memories to be brought into a more physical form within the conscious arena.


Play Therapy

Play is the natural language of a child and toys are their words - Gary Landreth.
Play Therapy is a therapeutic intervention for psychological, emotional and behavioural difficulties. 
Children who are struggling with life's journey often have a hard time expressing themselves. Play Therapy offers a child a safe and contained space in which they are allowed to explore issues that are most pertinent to them.


AutPlay Therapy

AutPlay was created by Dr Robert Jason Grant and is based on a play and behavioural therapy approach to work with children and families affected by autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. This intervention works with parents and children to help develop skills and abilities based on behavioural therapy and developmental approaches. 

This approach can help address issues of anxiety, emotional regulation, concentration, focus and attention as well as improving parent and child relationships. 

Therapeutic Services: Services
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